Section 8 Clan Forums

Possibility of a 1.7 CoD4X server
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Author:  baron_von_shitbrain [ March 17th, 2020, 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Possibility of a 1.7 CoD4X server

Good day, it's [s*8].Splatter

I recently took an adventure to 1.7 through the downgrade servers just to give it a look, and the place is booming like no tomorrow. If I had to guess, there is about 20,000 active players. Upon a slight amount of exploration, I came across a variant of server known as "PROMOD" which is a mod on a SnD playlist. More on that in a little bit.

As you may know, we left 1.7 for fear of safety of our own computers, while that is completely understandable, CoD4X is completely different. It is a player-made and user-made mod that is used to ensure that no one gets hacked. Its everything 1.7 had, but impossible to crack.

Now then, onto what "PROMOD" is. The baseline is, its a match of SnD, but the following is changed:
20 Rounds
All perks besides "Deep Impact" "UAV Jammer" and "Bandolier" are banned
All LMG's are banned
All autosnipers are banned
P90 and Skorpion are banned
All attachments except for suppressor are banned
You will always have max level in game, you don't have to worry about leveling up for your guns
Damage dropoff becomes very real, you can't crossmap with an SMG anymore
While you have your HUD retained, it's still more or less Hardcore
Guns do not have sway (yes, this includes snipers)
Hitmarkers do not show through walls

The reason I chose PROMOD as a server is because the PROMOD servers in 1.7 CoD4X are typically more populated than the TDM servers, etc. Which means, more traffic for us, which in turn, means more possible members, and more frequenters. Also, PROMOD is a good way to sharpen your skills in game.

I will be asking for votes on this, if you have any questions, contact me at:
C9 MayheM#8058 (Discord)

People onboard so far:

Have a beautiful day everyone!
Sincerely, [s*8].Splatter

Author:  Entrepid [ March 17th, 2020, 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibility of a 1.7 CoD4X server

U got a thumbs up from here too

Author:  stg [ March 17th, 2020, 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibility of a 1.7 CoD4X server


You've got my full support on this one. I competed on promod for several years and if you ask me, this is how the game should have been designed to begin with. A few things to take note though. The promod community is not a "nice" community. Enforcing pg13 language, glitches and jumps will be very difficult in this community. It will be hard to keep server populated if players are constantly getting kicked for these things. These attributes are what make promod....promod. The skill level is certainly higher than what this community is used to, so it will be VERY first, ya'll will get better and used to it, I actually think you could bring a certain outside of the box strategy to the game that promod players are not used to. The S&D gameplay will be a change but its the game mode I prefer. One thing you did mistake on is cod4x is hackable, people do cheat, but they are much more subtle with it. I have disappeared over the past 2 or 3 months playing promod occasionally popping into the server to keep my presence in the community. But my vote is giving promod a shot. I can help with setup if ya'll need, feel free to ask.

Author:  Ruddy [ March 17th, 2020, 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibility of a 1.7 CoD4X server

I'm all in favor for testing a server based on 1.7 but I will not be partaking in promod. It's something I would suggest putting our second server to the test.

The language and standards in which we speak I wont be in favor of changing. The difference between this clan and serious pros is that just that...we aren't pro's and in one way or the other we are family oriented. We want a server that a young one can come on, and not have that toxicity. One thing that has always turned me off of new Call of Duties is just the way people talk. I remember being a teenage girl playing the first CoD and having guys on the server ask for nudes and talk in other degrading ways. It's so nice to not tolerate any of the tiny sorts and knowing other young women, especially, can come onto our server and not be harassed.

Game rules though, can always be adjusted per server.

What we forget is that yes, 1.7 is and has always been booming. Sending a new server to that would possibly kill our server more than it is already now. Most people in 1.7 have been there for a very long time and aren't going to easily move to a new server. Many of the servers on 1.7 are either bots, redirects, or empty.

Author:  baron_von_shitbrain [ March 17th, 2020, 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibility of a 1.7 CoD4X server

A minor note Ruddy, I don't mean general 1.7, I mean 1.7 CoD4X, its something different almost entirely. Me and Farsidius are having a blast with STG on it right now :)

Author:  Ruddy [ March 17th, 2020, 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibility of a 1.7 CoD4X server

No, I understand that. I still stand by everything I just said though.

Author:  baron_von_shitbrain [ March 17th, 2020, 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibility of a 1.7 CoD4X server

I get that completely, I was just pitching the idea for promod since it seems like promod draws more attention than pub servs do. We're all in discord rn if you wanna hop in

Author:  stg [ March 17th, 2020, 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibility of a 1.7 CoD4X server

Splatter I think you're missing the point Ruddy is trying to make, this is a family oriented community, hence my post on what the promod community is like.

Author:  baron_von_shitbrain [ March 17th, 2020, 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibility of a 1.7 CoD4X server

No I get the point and I'm all for a pub serv too, I'm simply stating that I pitched promod instead of a poolparty or psychward dupe out of possibile player/member gain. But like said don't get me wrong, I'm all for a pub serv as well. I just wanna see this club/clan grow

Author:  Ruddy [ March 17th, 2020, 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Possibility of a 1.7 CoD4X server

I'm in no way saying Promod isn't possible - I've even said that it's something worth trying. I just don't believe in changing standards s*8 has upheld for years. This and stg's comments could possibly make the server a moot point though.

I do to, which overall I feel like backtracking may be the best move. That's why I would even suggest moving our server to 1.7 down the line, after testing our second server there that is sitting and collecting dust right now.

Ultimately, we just need to see what others think.

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