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 Post subject: JOHNNIE
 Post Posted: April 21st, 2017, 8:06 pm 
Selector Admin
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Tonight JOHNNIE made a comment using f-bomb, adding periods in between letters to escape the bot. Several non-members asked him to watch his language. He responded to them sarcastically. I warned him, he basically told me he could do what he wanted, so he was kicked. He immediately returned and began telling me I couldn't enforce because an S*8 member was cursing the other night (he wasn't specific about who or exactly when). I told him that I couldn't speak to that but he needed to stop arguing with me. He continued to make snarky comments and reminded me that he has played here 300 times. I told him if that was so, he knew the rules. He told me good luck and left. I don't think this is the first time he has been mouthy, but wanted to document it.

 Post subject: Re: JOHNNIE
 Post Posted: April 22nd, 2017, 3:27 am 
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Thank you FBO, you made the right call here. He certainly cannot do what he wants, and arguing that because someone from our clan did it, we have no legitimacy in enforcing our rules, is not a valid argument.

 Post subject: Re: JOHNNIE
 Post Posted: April 23rd, 2017, 4:27 pm 
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I agree you can not do what you want, how does that saying go one wrong does not make right. Just because someone else was cussing does not mean you can do it.

Two in Two out

 Post subject: Re: JOHNNIE
 Post Posted: April 23rd, 2017, 5:49 pm 
Clan Member
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I think it's "Two wrongs don't make a right".

Anyway, I have talked to JOHNNIE, and he apologised. So all should be well.

 Post subject: Re: JOHNNIE
 Post Posted: April 24th, 2017, 9:58 am 
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Thank you for talking to him Munck. Just to clarify for everyone, I have kicked JOHNNIE in the past for language, a long time ago. I was undercover and it was a very similar situation. I'd say this has to be one of the last warnings for him. He knows the rules and if he is only following them when he doesn't think he can get away with it, he isn't welcome.


"If I can't do it.." -NobodyCan

 Post subject: Re: JOHNNIE
 Post Posted: April 26th, 2017, 7:17 am 
Site Admin
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I believe this person is on regularly, and my personal opinion here is it would be preferable to follow a tough love rule with regulars versus just banning them. Clearly they're here to play. At this mature stage for COD4, there's no need to incentivize dependable traffic to go to other servers...

Vagisil. Use only as directed.

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